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發(fā)布日期:2019/12/14 10:09:59

Operation Manual of Chiller

1. Preparations before start-up

(1) Check whether the unit is surrounded by any foreign substance.

(2) Check whether the power supply of the unit is properly connected (if the phase power supply meets the requirements of chiller voltage) or not.

(3) Check whether all valves of the cooling water system and refrigerated water system have been opened already and if the water tower is in stand-by state or not.

(4) Firstly open the water pump and water tower in the system and then start the chiller.

Make sure that the unit and pipeline system are fully filled with water. Do not operate the water pump and the unit without water.

2. 冷水機操作
2. Operation of chiller

(1).若電源及水喉接駁妥后,首先開啟水泵、水塔開關(guān),要留意水泵運轉(zhuǎn)方向,確保水泵按正確方向運轉(zhuǎn),如方向相反,將電源線 R S對調(diào)接駁即可,然后開啟壓縮機開關(guān),再把出水溫度設定至所需之溫度【通常溫度調(diào)節(jié)不能低于3,以防止蒸發(fā)器結(jié)冰】,機組壓縮機運行按容量調(diào)節(jié)段數(shù)自動逐級加載,當系統(tǒng)水溫降至所設定溫度時,壓縮機按容量調(diào)節(jié)段數(shù)自動逐級卸載運行。
(1) If power supply is well connected with the hose, please turn on the water pump and water tower firstly, and pay attention to operation direction of the water pump, so as to ensure that the water pump can operate towards correct direction. If the water pump operates in opposite direction, exchange R end and S end of power supply and then turn on the switch of compressor. After that, set the water temperature as required [normally not lower than 3, so as to avoid freezing of compressor]. The compressor should be loaded step by step as per stages of capacity regulation. When water temperature of the system drops to preset temperature, the compressor will be unloaded step by step as per stages of capacity regulation.

(2) Turn off the host machine firstly. After that, close the water pump and water tower after the shutdown of compressor. At last, cut off main power supply.

Operating sequence of chiller

Start-up: Press key “START” to start the unit.

Start refrigeration pump---delay---start cooling pump---delay---start compressor as per energy regulation

Shut-down: Press key “STOP” to shut down the unit.

Turn off all compressors---delay---turn off cooling pump---delay---turn off refrigeration pump

Refer to Operation Manual for Controller of Operation Panel on the attached page for specific operations.

Warning: Parameters of the unit have been set in the factory. Do not adjust the parameters without authorization, otherwise, damages caused hereof shall not be included in the warranty scope.


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